August 13, 2016 August 13, 2016Is It Just A Hole In The Ground?Wells in the Mat-Su Valley run the gamut from artesian water that is so pure it should be bottled and sold,to mucky stink holes that […]
August 2, 2016 August 2, 2016Mat-Su Market memo for July 25-Aug 1, 2016Here are the real estate statistics for the Matanuska Susitna Valley including Palmer and Wasilla
July 4, 2016 July 4, 2016July 4, 2016 Market MemoHere is the Market Update for this week. Also, check out this video of the Glacier View Independence Day Celebration: Please contact one of the […]
June 27, 2016 June 27, 2016Market Memo or June 20-27, 2016Here is the Market Memo for this week. I did a look at the first 1/2 of the year on new construction. New construction is […]
June 20, 2016 June 20, 2016Market Update for June 13-20, 2016This video was taken at Jim Lake. Nice and quiet there on a Monday Morning.
June 13, 2016 June 13, 2016Matsu Market Memo for June 6-13, 2016Market update for Palmer and Wasilla. Taken from the Eklutna Tailrace…
June 6, 2016 June 6, 2016Mat-Su Market Memo for May 30-June 6, 2016Here are the real estate statistics for Palmer, Wasilla and the rest of the Mat-su Borough for this week.
May 30, 2016 May 30, 2016Market Memo for May 23-30, 2016Here arethe real estate statistics for May 23-30, 2016 for Palmer and Wasilla, Alaska and the rest of the Mat-Su Borough.