Marty Van Diest

August 12, 2008

Monday Market Memo…8-4 through 8-11-2008

Wasilla Real Estate statistics.  These numbers are for the whole Matanuska Susitna Borough, including Palmer, Trapper Creek, Sutton, Eureka and all points between. Fifty seven […]
July 28, 2008

Monday Market Memo for July 21-28, 2008

Here are the statistics for the week of July 21–28, 2008 for Wasilla, Palmer, and the rest of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley. This was a pretty […]
July 14, 2008

Monday Market Memo for July 7-14, 2008

Wasilla Real Estate presents the weekly statistics for residential real estate sales for Wasilla, Palmer, and the rest of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. It was a  pretty […]
July 13, 2008

Motivated Sellers in Mat-Su

Motivated sellers and motivated buyers are the key to a good transaction.  They both keep their eye on the larger goal of a successful transaction.  […]