This is a list of licensed home inspectors that work in the Mat-Su Valley. There are many more inspectors. You should be able to work with any inspector you choose. Sometimes a seller may decline to have a certain inspector so that may be a negotiation item.
- Kelly Allen, Alaska Home Detective, 907-982-1665
- Fairview Property Consultants, Mike Divis, 907-355-1066
- Ridgeline Inspections, Ben Crowley, 907-795-6212
- A1 Inspection, Steve Amidon, 907-892–4444
- Pillar to Post, 907-521-7776
Below are some actual inspection pictures. They show some old water stains, an electrical panel, and a deck. All of which merit attention. These are typical things an inspector will note.
But these are minor, sometimes they will find foundation problems, mold or rot in the attic, or other problems that can cause tens of thousands of dollars to fix. I recently saw a house purchased just a couple years ago without an inspection in which the buyer completed over $50,000 of work to make all the necessary repairs. These repairs were not known the the buyer prior to closing.
I also recommend that a buyer do a more detailed water test as part of their inspection. See Wasilla Well Water for more about this.