Termination Dust

Termination Dust
Termination dust on the mountains…it’s time to get ready for winter.
Get your tires changed. If you use studded tires, and I do, you can put them on now. September 15 was the day you can have your studded tires. Remember, the first few snowfalls are the worst. Seems every year that people need to remember how to drive on snow and ice and they are skating all over the road. Maybe it’s just the new drivers that moved here over the summer. But either way, be extra careful driving on the first snow fall day.
Line up your snow plow guy. Unless you take care of your driveway yourself you will want to have someone lined up before the snow comes. Many of these drivers have a route and are often booked before the snow comes.
Make sure your septic pipes are easy to find. There is nothing worse than having your septic backing up into the house while you rent a jackhammer to dig up the back yard looking for your septic pipes. Keep them above ground and easy to find. Two feet of snow, 4 inches of ice, and 6 inches of frozen ground over your pipes in the December darkness at 20 below when your bathtub is full of ____ is not a good situation.
Detach your hoses from the hose bibs. Your hose bibs can freeze and break causing a catastrophic leak into your home if you do not do this. Make sure they are detached. And while you are at it, drain all the water out of your hoses before you coil them up for the winter.
Take care of the lawn mower, outboards, and other summer gear. Make sure they are put away in such a manner that they will start next spring. Drain the gas and water, fog the motors and put them into hibernation.
What do you do to get ready for winter?