Motivated sellers and motivated buyers are the key to a good transaction. They both keep their eye on the larger goal of a successful transaction. They don’t let small disagreements blow up their deal.
How do you identify motivated sellers? Read This
I have automated a motivated seller search. This auto search will send you new foreclosure listings, relocation listings, and recent price reductions within 24 hours of the new listing or price reduction. If you would like to be put on this list just let me know.
Please indicated if you would like all the motivated sellers or indicate:
- Foreclosures
- Relocations
- People that say they are motivated…indicated in the comments
- Price reductions
If you would like a specific search just for you. Just drop me a line with your specific needs and I will set it up.
It’s important to realize that the realtor access to the mls system is much more detailed than the public access. I can search on hundreds of different fields to ensure that you are not scrolling through pages of listings to find the needle in the haystack.
The image above left is just one page of the realtor MLS. There are 7–8 pages with literally hundreds of choices on each page. Just drop a line itemizing your price range, location and any other detail that is important to you and I will set it up for you.