One of the most important things to know when buying land in the Mat-Su Valley is whether you are going to be able to get water if you drill a well. Most of the Mat-Su Valley has water under it if you go deep enough. However there are areas where you can hit bedrock before hitting water. It would be nice to know as much as possible before purchasing a piece of property.
You do this through the Department of Natural Resources Well Lot Tracking website here. Use the search menu on this website to find properties around your prospective property. You will need to get used to reading well logs to understand what they are telling you.
Remember that the cost of drilling a well right now is about $40 a foot. That does not include the cost of installing a pump and a line to your house. So if you have to drill a 300 foot deep well you are looking at $12,000. Hopefully you will only need to go down about 60 feet.
Historical well information may not be currently accurate because aquifers are always subject to change. But some info is certainly better than none.