I have written before on well water in the Mat-Su Valley. Generally the water here is good, Although there is a chance that it will have high iron or calcium which you would want to filter out.
However, there is enough of a chance that you will have arsenic in your water that you should have it tested. EPA standards were raised in 2006 so that some of the community water systems in the valley do not comply. These systems have begun treatment programs and will soon be in compliance.
If you do have arsenic in your water it can almost always be treated to bring it down to a safer level. A reverse osmosis system is the most common method of treatment. You can get them for your kitchen faucet or for the whole house. After you put the system in, you should test again to make sure you are taking care of the problem.
Some places to go for testing are Alaska Water Conditioning, Mat-Su Test Labs and Analytica. Analytica just opened an office in Wasilla across from Spenard Building Supply next to Mat-Su Water.
Test your own water, the government isn’t going to do it for you.