Here are the real estate statistics for Wasilla, Palmer, and the rest of the Mat-Su Valley. These numbers are for single family residences. If you would like specific information for some other type of real estate, drop me an email.
This was a strong week for Mat-Su real estate. If we take this week as an indication things are getting busier. We have more pendings and more closings than normal.
I believe that buyers are beginning to realize that the low interest rates may not last. Also, the first time home buyer rebate of $8,000 is scheduled to go away by Dec 1 so time is of the essence.
Average Price | Median Price | DOM | |
New | 36 | $253,269 | $235,000 | . |
Total Active | 932 | $288,762 | $239,043 | 133 |
Pending | 26 | $234,369 | $234,950 | 81 |
Closed | 35 | $212,198 | $225,000 | 68 |
There are some great properties out there. I sent out my deals of the week last Friday. If you didn’t get it, drop me a line and ask for it. Some of the properties on that list are already sold, but some are still available.
Based on information from AK MLS, Inc. for the period but not compiled or published by AK MLS, Inc. Data maintained by AK MLS, Inc. may not reflect all real estate activity in the market.