I borrowed the slogan from Palmer Chamber of Commerce. But it certainly fit the time I spent last evening at my son’s soccer game at the Sherrod Fields. It really was Alaska at it’s best.
How many places have a view like that as a backdrop to a soccer game? It was warm and sunny for the games. Parents and grandparents from the opposing teams were pleasantly chatting along the sidelines. None of your screaming soccer yahoos here.
The Valley Crusaders, ( a team of local home schoolers), played against Valley Christian School. It was a hard fought game won by Valley Christian School. All the players on both sides sported good attitudes and sportsmanship.
I enjoyed the sight of a flock of Sandhill Cranes forming up to head south. Fall is here, winter is coming, but it certainly was comfortable at the soccer fields yesterday. Along with the sandhill cranes was a Cessna 172 practicing touch and goes at the Palmer Airport. I was wondering if he saw the hundred or so cranes in his flight path.
Summer sports at one of the many fields in the Matanuska Valley is just an additional reason why this area is a bedroom community for the whole state of Alaska.