
Some people want to sell their home without the aid of a real estate broker. This article will start you in the right direction to market your home yourself. Hopefully it will help you find a buyer and bring you and your buyer to a trouble free closing. In Wasilla and Palmer, real estate is a little tricky to market on your own so a few guidelines will help.
You need to determine price. You need to determine what your house is worth to real buyers, not to friends and neighbors who aren’t ready to part with money on your home. You do this by comparing your home with similar homes that have recently sold or are now on the market. A great resource is the Mat-Su Borough web site. This shows you the amount that the Borough thinks the property is worth. However because the Borough has to assess all the properties every year they are often way off. For example I am currently marketing one property for significantly less and another for almost twice borough assessed value
Find recent sales. If you live in a neighborhood or subdivision with other home similar to your own there should be some recent sales. Since most Alaskans move every 5–6 years, you should find some homes in the area that have sold in the last year. Find some homes similar in size and style to your own and find out what they sold for. If they are recent sales you might be able to contact the seller or the selling real estate licensee. This is good information. Figure the price per square foot and then multiply it times your square footage. Now you are at least in the ball park.
This will be a continuing article so check back for more…