There were 21 sales in Equestrian Acres in 2014 at an average sale price of $247,455. So far in 2015 there has been only one sale for $212,500. I do have the individual sales prices but since Alaska is a non-disclosure state can only publish the averages. Send me an email if you would like to know more.
Currently in Equestrian Acres there are seven homes on the market at an average price of $293,879. The market is VERY active right now. Buyers seem to be snapping up property right and left. This may be one of the best chances to sell a home in Equestrian Acres.
Equestrian Acres has about a 7.5% turn over rate which is about average in our area. You can expect about 1 house for every 13 to sell in any given year.
Because Equestrian Acres is such a desirable neighborhood homes usually sell unless they are just over priced. In 2014 only a few listings were cancelled or expired. Most of the houses did sell, a few had to lower their price but they did eventually successfully sell.
Click here for a list of homes currently on the market in Equestrian Acres.
This representation is based in whole or in part on data supplied by, and to, the subscribers of Alaska Multiple Listing Service, Inc. (AK MLS, Inc.). AK MLS, Inc. does not guarantee nor is it in any way responsible for its accuracy. Data maintained by AK MLS, Inc. is for its own use and may not reflect all real estate activity in the market.